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Bend Launches Dashboard of GO Projects


With work progressing on the 2020 Transportation General Obligation (GO) Bond, the City of Bend and the Transportation Bond Oversight Committee (TBOC) have launched an online dashboard to allow the community to track the progress of the voter-approved projects.

The dashboard will provide easy access to the latest GO Bond project information, and it will also provide financial information which will be updated on a quarterly basis.

 “This will support our on-going effort to increase transparency through design and construction phases of bond-funded projects,” said Principal Engineer Garrett Sabourin.

 The dashboard can be found at

 Voters in Bend approved the GO Bond in Nov. 2020 with an emphasis on building projects across the city to improve traffic flow, create better east-west connections and improve neighborhood safety.

The TBOC was established to advise on the implementation and progress of the bond projects and to help provide transparency and accountability of the voter-approved projects.

 Learn more about the 2020 Transportation GO Bond at