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Deschutes County Hosts Public Hearing On Work Plan


The public is invited to provide input on the Deschutes County Community Development Department’s Work Plan for Fiscal Year 2024-25 [link to work-plan-annual-report].The Planning Commission will host a public hearing on the Planning Division Work Plan on Thursday, April 11 at 5:30 p.m. The public hearing will be held remotely online and in-person at the Deschutes Services Center, which is located at 1300 NW Wall St. in Bend.

The plan outlines the department’s anticipated projects and goals for the coming year, including the following highlights:

  • Sustaining high customer service levels while adjusting to staff retention and recruitment challenges.
  • Addressing housing opportunities through collaboration with cities, our county’s property manager, and exploring rural housing strategies as allowed by State law.
  • Initiating the Newberry Country Plan Update.
  • Amending Deschutes County Code to comply with HB 3197, Clear and Objective Standards for Housing.
  • Coordinating with Bend, Redmond, Sisters and La Pine on growth management projects, including comprehensive plan updates and urban growth boundary amendments.

“Public input shapes the Planning Division’s work plan each year. It really makes a difference to hear from residents,” said Community Development Director Peter Gutowsky. The Board of County Commissioners will conduct a public hearing on the full Community Development Department Work Plan in May or June.

About Deschutes County Community Development: CDD’s mission is to facilitate orderly growth and development in the Deschutes County community through coordinated programs of Land Use Planning, Environmental Soils, Building Safety, Code Enforcement, education, and service to the public.

For more information about the work plan process or the public hearing, please call (541) 385-1709. Written feedback about the draft Work Plan can be submitted via email to

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